The "MONCOSTA National monitoring network of the Chilean coast" project will be implemented in the regions of Coquimbo and O'Higgins between 2023 and 2025.
The workshops will be carrie out between September and December in kindergartens and squares in the Vitacura comunne
The activity is part of the Regular Fondecyt project, in which the academic participates as a co-researcher, which studies the phenomenon of urban heat islands and how they affect climate change and the welfare of people in Chile.
Geologist José Lattus traveled to Salta in northern Argentina at the end of May as part of his graduate project, "Dynamics of an highland salt flat through electromagnetic scattering models using orbital radars".
Francisco Zambrano project director, and Dylan Craven alternate director, with researchers and research assistants from public and private universities and international organizations, developed and launched ODES, the Chilean Drought Observatory for Agriculture and Biodiversity.