Researchers, assistants from the Hémera Center, and academics from the School of Forestry Engineering (Waldo Pérez, Leonardo Durán, Paulina Vidal, Idania Briceño, Jesica Garrido, Natalia Tapia and Benjamín Castro) will develop the project "Characterization of terrestrial ecosystems to prioritize areas for landscape restoration in the Province of Cardenal Caro".
The scientific publication "Recovery of Water Quality and Detection of Algal Blooms in Lake Villarrica through Landsat Satellite Images and Monitoring Data" generated the interest of NASA, who developed a note on algae growth in Lake Villarrica and the methodology used in the study led by Lien Rodríguez-López with the collaboration of Iongel Durán.
Researchers and assistants from Centro Hémera and officials from the Municipality of Viña del Mar inaugurated two new platforms of the CoastSnap (Australia) community-based beach monitoring program, bringing to date 8 platforms in the Valparaíso Region and more than 280 globally.
Within the framework of the Paris Agreement and Chile's international commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the National Forestry Corporation of Chile (CONAF), under the National Strategy for Climate Change and Vegetation Resources (ENCCRV), leads the +Bosque Project, where the Earth Observation Center Hémera will contribute to the uncertainty of land use change maps from the Maule Region to the Los Lagos Region.
Last Friday, April 21, the HEmera Earth Observation Center participated in the commemoration of Earth Day organized by the Liceo El Principal de Pirque and its Environmental Brigade.