Management Engineer with mention in Marketing and Commercial Management, Universidad Mayor, Chile / Master in Environment and Sustainable Development, Universidad Mayor, Chile / Diploma in project evaluation and management, Universidad Mayor, Chile / Diploma in management control, Universidad de Chile / Diploma in tax management, Universidad de Chile.
Associated Projects:
“Study of natural hazards and climate change in operational areas of Los Bronces”, Anglo American Sur S.A., Project Code 1.24.0038.1.
“MONCOSTA National monitoring network of the Chilean coast” ANID - FONDEF IDeA Technological 2023, Project Code IT23I0069.
“Conservation study of high Andean wetlands Hijuela C in Los Nogales Nature Sanctuary”, Anglo American Sur S.A., Project Code 5.23.0038.1.
"Satellite System for Irrigation Optimization (SatOri)", ANID - FONDEF IDeA I+D 2021 Adaptation to Climate Change and Disasters of Natural Origin, Project Code ID21I10297.
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